Issue: If the crystal report file location is not configured or configured incorrectly, the following error message will appear:
Load report failed ---> System Runtime.InteropServices COMExeception: Unsupported Operation. A document processed by the JRC engine cannot be opened in the C++ stack.
Possible Resolution:
- Expand Reports and Correspondence Services from the Form Navigator.
- From the Global Settings Tab, select the Crystal Reports Tab.
- In the Report Files Section, the value for the field “Location” should contain the folder location containing the Crystal Report “.rpt” files.
Default installation location:
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Plexis Healthcare Systems Inc\Quantum Choice 2018.1000.0\Reports”.
Note: It is recommended to share the location of the Crystal Reports “.rpt” files and storing the network location in the above “Location” field.
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