Issue: Claim line result code CES0017:
The External Claim Editing Service encountered internal error. Please contact CES Vendor for support.
Possible Resolution:
External Service Integration Configuration Settings
VisiumPayerCompassSettings.xml maintains configuration elements used to define default behavior.
By default, the program directories are located at: C:\Program Files\Plexis Healthcare Systems Inc\Quantum Choice 2018.1000.0\Services\ClaimAdjudication\AdjudicateClaim
Default settings are as follows:
<EndPoint value=""/>
<!--Timeout value in milliseconds -->
<Timeout value="30000" />
<!--IsProduction defines if module it calling production service (1) or Sandbox(0)-->
<IsProduction value="0"/>
<!--Client Identification Structure ID-->
<ClientId value =""/>
<!--web service message persistance-->
<ConnectionString value="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=;Integrated Security=SSPI"/>
<!--should store web requests? 1==true, 0==false(only stores errored requests)-->
<StoreRequest value="1"/>
Endpoint - this setting defines the endpoint to the vendor service.
Timeout - this setting defines in milliseconds the timeout value for web requests.
IsProduction - this setting is used to notify the vendor that it is a production environment.
ClientId - this is a unique identifier to signify to the vendor who the client is.
ConnectionString - This is the connection string for the QC History Data Store.
Without this setting, the module does not know where to store the request and response. If the module fails to store the request\response, a CES Processing exception will be returned to the host application.
StoreRequest - This setting turns on whether requests are stored or not. Note that anytime an error is returned from the Vendor WebService, the request will be stored regardless of this setting.
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