When installing the QC client or one of the services you may encounter one of the following alerts:
These popups indicate a version of .NET is missing from the machine. To install .NET 3.5 the following steps should be followed:
Windows 10
Go to this Microsoft link to download the installation package:
Windows Server (2016 in example)
1. Open Server Manager
2. Select Add Roles and Features
3. Click Next
4. Keep clicking Next until you get to Features section
5. Select .NET Framework 3.5 Features and click Next
6. **If you receive the following error "Do you need to specify an alternate source path? One or more installation selections are missing source files on the destination..."
a. Insert Windows Server 2016 CD/ISO
b. Select "Specify an alternant source path"
c. In "Path:" enter "D:\sources\sxs" ('D' Drive will be letter of the CD/ISO drive)
d. Click OK and then Install
7. Alternate install method
a. In Windows search bar type in PowerShell and select first result
b. In PowerShell window type the following:
i. "Install-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core -source D:\sources\sxs (source path is where your ISO/CD is located)
Install .NET 4.7.2 (all versions of Windows)
Go to https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=863265 to download install package.
Note: For installations of QC on versions 19.1 and newer, .NET 4.7.2 is required.
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